
ian April, December, February, January, June, March, May

Gorse : Ulex europaeus

Plant :  Large patches of gorse can be found on moorland and hedgerow in rural Northumberland.  It’s bright yellow flower provides colour on sunny days in winter and it can be an important early season forage for bees.  It belongs to the Fabaceae family.  These dense thorny shrubs grow up to 2 m.  Its habitat includes hedgerows, moorland, common and waste land.

Flower : Gorse flowers between December and June.  The flower is typical of the pea family with its irregular shape and five petals.  One large standard petal forms the top of the flower, with two petals forming the sides and another two petals form the bottom of the flower.

Pollen : Click here to see more about the Gorse pollen.

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